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ARCHOS x Qobuz:
the ultimate musical experience

ARCHOS thanks you for your purchase and is happy to offer you 3 months subscription to Qobuz Premium! *
Enter the 6 characters of the serial number of your ARCHOS device

*3 months subscription to Qobuz Premium, worth 29.97 €. After the 3 months, the subscription will extend to € 9.99 / month. Cancellation possible free of charge at any time. Deadline for activation of the offer: December 31st, 2018. Offer not combinable valid for the purchase of any ARCHOS smartphone or tablet from January 1st, 2017.

** The serial number is composed of 11 characters (2 letters and 9 numbers).

For example, the serial number on the image below is: SE172800001



    Streaming in CD quality. Over 100 million tracks. All repertoires. And, as a world first, streaming in 24-Bit Hi-Res

  • On the go and on all our applications

    Your music streaming possible everywhere thanks to our applications for tablet and smartphone, as well as those on connected devices

  • Your taste in music is not the same as everyone else's. Neither is ours.

    Interview, videos, photos, articles, comments... The editorial content we create on a daily basis is entirely exclusive.

A musical experience without compromise

  • Superb applications: streaming in offline mode, Gapless playback, choice of listening quality, Qobuz Connect...
  • Rich content: digital booklets, metadata, editorial content… Qobuz tells you more about the music you’re listening to
  • Qobuz is also an online download store for the most demanding tastes, containing the largest catalogue of 24-Bit Hi-Res albums in the world