In Qobuz&You #35, we tackled the problem of the compatibility of Qobuz subscriptions with the network player capabilities.

But unfortunately, as with many other technical subjects, it can be poorly worded by people finding it more or less obvious.

Therefore, we decided to write this new article, or rather, as it was suggested to us, to use charts to complete it.

The first chart is called:

Compatibilities of playback qualities of Qobuz files depending on the subscription

Everything seems to be summed up in this chart and you just have to cross-reference the line and column corresponding to your situation to get the answer.

The second chart also sums up as clearly as possible the mess from the Qobuz&You #35 and is called:

Playback capabilities of Qobuz files depending on the subscription and the network player

There again, you just have to cross-reference the line and column corresponding to your situation to get the answer.

An article published on the Qobuz Blog also brings answers regarding some brands and their compatibility with Qobuz.
