Qobuz and the National X-Fi Audio Show are delighted to announce their close cooperation, with the high fidelity streaming and download platform named as the 'Official Online Music Partner' of the X-Fi Audio Show this year. The match up is logical, with our high fidelity music marrying perfectly with almost all high-end audio hardware to be on display this time around.

X-fi playlist

The partnership is already evident on each of their official sites. On www.qobuz.com, we have published a special X-Fi 2016 dedicated playlist. There will be soon on the Qobuz Facebook page with a special contest, offering customers and interested audiophiles the chance to win gifts; as well as a free ticket for X-fi Show.

1 month of free streaming for visitors

Qobuz will be prominent during X-Fi 2016. All visitors will be given a Qobuz leaflet entitling them to an entire month of free streaming on Qobuz, and a free High-Res album to download. The National X-Fi Audio Show 2016 will take place on September 24th and 25th in Koningshof, Veldhoven. The show is already fully booked, with visitors coming from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Israel, the United States and Latvia.

To stay up to date with what's happening at Qobuz, follow us on facebook!