The Cars release a re-mastered album with Heartbeat City...

When Heartbeat City was released in March 1984, the Cars were already the proud owners of a few platinum-selling albums thanks to a rather original musical identity for their time. Acting as the missing link between the Ramones and Elvis Costello with a touch of Roxy Music, Ric Ocasek & Co. provided an ode to pop-punk music from their very first album in 1978. A sort of new wave made in America respectful of the rock’n’roll of yesteryear… The year 1984 also marked the birth of a new TV channel that would revolutionise pop and rock music by becoming an eminently influential media for music videos.

The Cars were savvy enough to jump on this video bandwagon and their fifth album was strongly supported by MTV that played You Might Think and Magic on repeat, their two hit anthems that reached the top of rock charts. Undeniably talented for melodies that hit the spot and catchy choruses (their ballad Drive is a formidably languid slow jam), Ocasek once again releases a beautiful bubble-gum soundtrack of 1980s America.

The Cars - Drive (Official Music Video)


The Cars - Heartbeat City (Live HQ)

carl allen


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