In May 1966, the Beach Boys published their 11th album, a crazy record from the equally mad brain of their leader Brian Wilson. With Pet Sounds, pop music moves into adulthood.

Exposed. Dissected. Studied. Analysed. Without doubt Pet Sounds probably underwent all that a recording can undergo ... We often tend to confine the history of pop music to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, but it is impossible to forget this monument of 1966. Emerging from the genius and disturbed brain of Beach Boys frontman Brian Wilson, the album was believed to be limited, ad vitam aeternam, to little more than friviolous surfing music ... 

With their masterpiece Rubber Soul, the Beatles did much more than bring pop into the adult era. Wilson also wants to plunge the carefree and adolescent essence of this genre into the complexity of quasi-baroque symphonic constructions. With Pet Sounds, even his prose relinquishes the hedonism of the "beach", "cars" and "surfing", to touch a more essential subject like the "human being", the "artist" and even "God".