The Canadian singer unveils her first album which confirms she is definitely one to watch.

Aldous Haring and Julia Jacklin are going to need to make some room for Dana Gavanski. With her first album, the young Canadian with Serbian origins is also here to take part in the post-breakup folk rock convention.

Gavanski brings an element of lightness to the genre, a misty feeling that separates her from the rest of the genre.

The melancholy of the superb Yesterday Is Gone elicits an air of familiarity, without ever becoming boring. The power of her melodies and the elegance of her voice help her avoid producing an average album in what’s already a very busy genre.

Dana Gavanski - One By One [Official Video]

Full Time Hobby

Her originality shines through even when she exits her comfort zone – the noisy Trouble and its krautrock tones – and exposes her fragility. A sign of more great things to come.

Dana Gavanski - Catch [Official Video]

Dana Gavanski


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