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Rod Stewart|Stardust...The Great American Songbook III

Stardust...The Great American Songbook III

Rod Stewart

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If the cover of Stardust: The Great American Songbook, Vol. 3 is any indication, even Rod Stewart is getting a little tired of the classy act he's had to put on over the last two years, as he's restyled himself as a crooner of pop standards. Gone are the straightforward portrait shots, and in is a jokey picture of Rod with a pair of hot legs. It unwittingly looks like a grown-up variation of the Blondes Have More Fun cover taken 26 years later (Rod still has the same basic hairdo, bless his heart), and it's a welcome glimpse of the roguish charm and laddish sense of humor that used to be Stewart's calling card. Unfortunately, that attitude isn't heard anywhere on the music, which is, for all intents and purposes, pretty much the same as it was on the first two installments of The Great American Songbook. Like its predecessors, Stardust is built on the misconception that the great vocalist Stewart will sound great singing selections from the great American popular songbook, when his gifts are better suited for music rooted in folk, blues, and rock & roll. To his credit, he's sounding a bit more comfortable on this third go-round -- he doesn't sound as uptight, nor as mannered, as he did before. Part of this may be due to a shift in producers. Phil Ramone, who co-produced the first two, has left and has been replaced by Steve Tyrell, who releases albums in a similar vein himself. Under his watch, Stewart doesn't sound quite so studious and tentative, and the arrangements aren't quite so fussy, which ultimately makes for a better record. That isn't the same thing as a good record, though. Stewart may be more comfortable and the production might be warmer, but The Great American Songbook is still a bad idea, no matter how slickly it's delivered.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo

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Stardust...The Great American Songbook III

Rod Stewart

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Embraceable You

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - George Gershwin, Composer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Ira Gershwin, Lyricist - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Bob Cranshaw, Bass Guitar - Darwin Best, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Raj Das, Engineer - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Warren Vaché, Trumpet - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

For Sentimental Reasons

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Dave Koz, Associated Performer, Featured Artist, Saxophone - Rod Stewart feat. Dave Koz, Associated Performer - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - William Best, Composer, Lyricist - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Deek Watson, Composer, Lyricist - Darwin Best, Engineer - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Bob Cranshaw, Bass Guitar - Raj Das, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

Blue Moon

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Eric Clapton, Associated Performer, Featured Artist, Guitar - Rod Stewart feat. Eric Clapton, Associated Performer - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Richard Rodgers, Composer, Lyricist - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Darwin Best, Engineer - Lorenz Hart, Composer, Lyricist - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Joe Sample, Piano - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Bob Cranshaw, Bass Guitar - Raj Das, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Simon Climie, Recording Engineer - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Joel Evenden, Assistant Engineer - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

What A Wonderful World

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Stevie Wonder, Associated Performer, Featured Artist, Harmonica - Rod Stewart feat. Stevie Wonder, Associated Performer - George D. Weiss, Composer, Lyricist - Robert Thiele, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Clive Davis, Producer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Bob Cranshaw, Bass Guitar - Darwin Best, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Raj Das, Engineer - Dorian Holley - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Mortinette Jenkins - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Marlena Jeter - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music


Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Hoagy Carmichael, Composer, Lyricist - Mitchell Parish, Composer, Lyricist - Richard Perry, Arranger, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Mike Thompson, Arranger, Piano, Synthesizer - Lauren Wild, Arranger, Co-Producer - John Ferraro, Drums - Chris Golden, Bass Guitar - Vin D'Onofrio, Guitar - Andy Chuckerman, Synthesizer - Lee R. Thornburg, Trumpet - Carter William Humphrey, Engineer, Recording Engineer - Adam Hawkins, Engineer - Dusk Bennett, Engineer - Manny Sanchez, Engineer - Nick Sample, Engineer

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music


Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Bette Midler, Associated Performer, Featured Artist - Rod Stewart feat. Bette Midler, Associated Performer - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Richard Rodgers, Composer, Lyricist - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Darwin Best, Engineer - Lorenz Hart, Composer, Lyricist - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - David Finck, Bass Guitar - Raj Das, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Warren Luening, Brass - Bob Sheppard, Brass - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

'S Wonderful

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Dave Grusin, Associated Performer, Featured Artist, Piano - Rod Stewart feat. Dave Grusin, Associated Performer - George Gershwin, Composer - Ira Gershwin, Lyricist - Bob Cranshaw, Bass Guitar - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Jon Allen, Keyboards - Warren Luening, Trumpet - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Clive Davis, Producer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Darwin Best, Engineer - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Raj Das, Engineer - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

Isn't It Romantic

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Richard Rodgers, Composer, Lyricist - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Lorenz Hart, Composer, Lyricist - Darwin Best, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Raj Das, Engineer - Chip Jackson, Bass Guitar - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Antoine Silverman, Violin - Cenovia Cummings, Violin - Paul Woodiel, Violin - Sylvia d'Avanzo, Violin - Jonathan Dinklage, Violin - Martin Agee, Violin - Belinda Whiney, Violin - Chris Cardona, Violin - Max Moston, Violin - David Creswell, Viola - Jessica Troy, Viola - Debbie Shufelt, Viola - Danielle Farina, Viola - Anja Wood, Cello - Danny Miller, Cello - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Sarah Carter, Cello - Dave Koz, Saxophone

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

I Can't Get Started

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Vernon Duke, Composer, Lyricist - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Ira Gershwin, Composer, Lyricist - Darwin Best, Engineer - Dave Grusin, Piano - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Chip Jackson, Bass Guitar - Raj Das, Engineer - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Warren Vaché, Trumpet - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

But Not For Me

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - George Gershwin, Composer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Darwin Best, Engineer - Ira Gershwin, Lyricist - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Ed Howard, Bass Guitar - Raj Das, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Plas Johnson, Saxophone - Antoine Silverman, Violin - Cenovia Cummings, Violin - Paul Woodiel, Violin - Sylvia d'Avanzo, Violin - Jonathan Dinklage, Violin - Martin Agee, Violin - Belinda Whiney, Violin - Chris Cardona, Violin - Max Moston, Violin - David Creswell, Viola - Jessica Troy, Viola - Debbie Shufelt, Viola - Danielle Farina, Viola - Anja Wood, Cello - Danny Miller, Cello - Sarah Carter, Cello - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

A Kiss To Build A Dream On

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Arturo Sandoval, Associated Performer, Featured Artist, Trumpet - Rod Stewart feat. Arturo Sandoval, Associated Performer - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Oscar Hammerstein II, Composer, Lyricist - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Bert Kalmar, Composer, Lyricist - Darwin Best, Engineer - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Harry Ruby, Composer, Lyricist - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Alan Pasqua, Piano - Raj Das, Engineer - Chip Jackson, Bass Guitar - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello - Ariel Solanes, Recording Engineer - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Dolly Parton, Associated Performer, Featured Artist - Rod Stewart feat. Dolly Parton, Associated Performer - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Frank Loesser, Composer, Lyricist - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Darwin Best, Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Bob Cranshaw, Bass Guitar - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Conductor, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Raj Das, Engineer - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

Night And Day

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Cole Porter, Composer, Lyricist - Richard Perry, Arranger, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Mike Thompson, Arranger - Kenny Ascher, Piano - John Ferraro, Drums - Reggie McBride, Bass Guitar - Vincent D'Onofrio, Guitar - Louis Forestieri, Synthesizer - Buddy Bregman, Arranger - Lauren Wild, Co-Producer - J.J. Blair, Recording Engineer - Adam Hawkins, Engineer - Dusk Bennett, Engineer - Carter William Humphrey, Engineer - Manny Sanchez, Engineer - Tom Evans, Saxophone - Nick Sample, Engineer

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music

A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square

Rod Stewart, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Steve Tyrell, Engineer, Producer - Clive Davis, Producer - Eric Maschwitz, Composer, Lyricist - Bobby Ginsburg, Recording Engineer - Andy Zulla, Mixing Engineer - Manning Sherwin, Composer, Lyricist - Darwin Best, Engineer - Bob Mann, Arranger, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer - Doug Epstein, Engineer - Michael Teaney, Engineer - Kenny Ascher, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer - Raj Das, Engineer - Helen Atkinson, Engineer - John Beale, Bass Guitar - Allan Schwartzberg, Drums - BILL SCHNEE, Recording Engineer - Antoine Silvermann, Violin - Ryan Petrie, Assistant Engineer - Alan Broadbent, Arranger, Conductor - Michael Markman, Violin - Edie Markman, Violin - Bruce Dukov, Violin - Haim Shtrum, Violin - Franklyn D'Antonio, Violin - Kenneth Yerke, Violin - Julie Ann Gigante, Violin - Endre Granat, Violin - Ana Landauer, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Roberto Cani, Violin - Barbara Porter, Violin - Katia Popov, Violin - Gil Romero, Violin - Simon Oswell, Viola - Brian Denbow, Viola - David Walther, Viola - Janet Lakatos, Viola - Jorge Moraga, Viola - Nancy Roth, Viola - Dan Neufeld, Viola - Stephen Erdody, Cello - David Low, Cello - Tim Landauer, Cello - Steve Richards, Cello

(P) 2004 BMG Music, a unit of BMG Music


If the cover of Stardust: The Great American Songbook, Vol. 3 is any indication, even Rod Stewart is getting a little tired of the classy act he's had to put on over the last two years, as he's restyled himself as a crooner of pop standards. Gone are the straightforward portrait shots, and in is a jokey picture of Rod with a pair of hot legs. It unwittingly looks like a grown-up variation of the Blondes Have More Fun cover taken 26 years later (Rod still has the same basic hairdo, bless his heart), and it's a welcome glimpse of the roguish charm and laddish sense of humor that used to be Stewart's calling card. Unfortunately, that attitude isn't heard anywhere on the music, which is, for all intents and purposes, pretty much the same as it was on the first two installments of The Great American Songbook. Like its predecessors, Stardust is built on the misconception that the great vocalist Stewart will sound great singing selections from the great American popular songbook, when his gifts are better suited for music rooted in folk, blues, and rock & roll. To his credit, he's sounding a bit more comfortable on this third go-round -- he doesn't sound as uptight, nor as mannered, as he did before. Part of this may be due to a shift in producers. Phil Ramone, who co-produced the first two, has left and has been replaced by Steve Tyrell, who releases albums in a similar vein himself. Under his watch, Stewart doesn't sound quite so studious and tentative, and the arrangements aren't quite so fussy, which ultimately makes for a better record. That isn't the same thing as a good record, though. Stewart may be more comfortable and the production might be warmer, but The Great American Songbook is still a bad idea, no matter how slickly it's delivered.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo

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