At a press conference held Thursday, November 20th at Cap Digital in Paris, the Qobuz team presented its new products and an all new subscription.

FLAC everywhere - and online too!

The Qobuz Desktop was the only solution that allowed you to enjoy your Qobuz Hi-Fi subscription at home ? a subscription that allows you to enjoy the crisp sound quality of the good old CD.

Today, Qobuz offers the ability to stream FLAC directly from your preferred Web browser.

? On our album pages

? On the Qobuz Player (

? Widget Qobuz (coming soon)

And this without any additional software or plugin installed. With the invaluable help of a fantastic open-source project, Qobuz innovates with the first implementation (for a major service) of a player based solely on HTML5 technologies.

On the down side, this innovation is not yet available for Internet Explorer, and will not be back (at best) until version 12 of the browser is released. We invite you to turn to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

We are working hard to constantly improve this new tool, and already have open sites. That being said, we will be happy to read all your invaluable comments and feedback!

For a more complete home use, also discover our Qobuz Desktop application.

New mobile applications 3.0!

After an urgent technical redesign of our previous Android application; Version 2.5, currently available, is already improving your Qobuz experience.

This initial update is a sort of prelude to a real complete and radical reconstruction of our application portfolio!

To arrive on December 15, so you will be able to enjoy the nez iOS and Android applications. This third generation of Qobuz applications will offer significant improvements in terms of timeliness, quality, ergonomics and the integration of Qobuz features.

New design, new ergonomics

Qobuz Connect

Qobuz Connect Qobuz Connect is a feature to connect your Qobuz application to a wide range of equipment (TV, car, multi-room equipment ...). Your Qobuz so naturally becomes your personal media center, allowing you to enjoy your music in all circumstances.

Qobuz Connect is not a proprietary format. It is therefore intended to work with a wide range of brands and materials. This possibility will be implemented in the future.

We do not intend to stop there, working Qobuz 2015 to overhaul all of its applications and its web front end.

New subscription: Qobuz Sublime

Qobuz added a revolutionary new music subscription to its range, the placing on the market of which was the result of lengthy negotiations with the our partners and labrels.

Designed for today?s gourmet 24-Bit downloading customers, but still little very much intertwined with a subscription format, Qobuz SUBLIME provides considerable consumer-benefit.

The Qobuz SUBLIME offers an annual subscription price of ?/£ 219 *:

? A Qobuz Hi-Fi subscription (True CD quality 16-Bit/44.1 kHz)

? A permanent discount on 24-bit HD downloads which will be sold to Qobuz SUBLIME subscribers at the price of the MP3 format elsewhere. That is to say, according to the labels and their own commercial policy, a permanent reduction of 35% to 55%.

The current size of the 24-Bit catalog with this offer is equal to 50% of existing albums and will then rapidly expand following negotiations with the labels.

Qobuz Sublime will be available in France in mid-December 2014. (faut peut-etre pas dire en version UK?)

* (Annual subscription only)

New widgets!

Finally, a little bonus for those of you enthusiastic Webmasters using Qobuz. The new Qobuz widget is now available in 4 sizes.

Export it from our Qobuz Player or album pages.