Exclusive to Qobuz subscribers, get a special offer on Meludia ! Try the premium version of the site for 15 days and get a 20% discount from the 21st of June until the 21st of July by using the code QOBUZ.

Remember learning music ? Confusing marks and dashes with no real sense of, well, music. Meludia is changing the way we approach music theory, and that’s what makes its method so revolutionary.

Created in 2013, the {online platform } Meludia is mixing things up in the world of musical education, and transforming attitudes towards musical theory. Vincent Chaintrier, the pianist and composer, and Bastian Sannac, his old pupil, are the two brains behind this project. Since going on line, Meludia keeps on attracting new pupils, and its methods are being used in some of the biggest musical institutions in the States (Berklee in Boston, the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadephia…), while the service is available in 142 countries. Thankfully, there’s no need to be an aspiring professional musician to get involved, as the lessons are all tailored to suit your needs.

©Meludia – The SEMA Method

Based on the experience and twenty five years of research conducted by Vincent Chaintrier, lessons on Meludia approach the content of a traditional curriculum and its teaching methods from a radically new direction. In fact, rather than making theory a foundation block for future learning, Meludia prefers to focus on the feelings generated by each note in order to harness their creative power and help the student progress. In this scenario, there’s no need for an instrument or any notions of theory. Interactive graphics appear on the screen to involve and challenge the user, regardless of their level. Enjoyment is at the heart of lessons, which makes learning more of a game than a chore. Little by little, solid bases are built up and users progress until they reach expert levels of knowledge.

Meludia, brings the theory of learning through observation and listening to the fore and allows the student, studying for 15 minutes a day for a year, to maximise his, or her, progress. This progress is usually very fast, because combining both visual and audio stimuli simultaneously impacts upon the psychological capacities of both (professor Charles Limb from the University of San Fransisco, as well as the ENT specialist François Furia, both recognise the benefits of this approach). Lauded by several professional musicians (Thomas Hampson, Nicola Benedetti, Gustavo Dudamel among others…) and buoyed by 3 separate competition wins, one being the gold medal at the Lepine 2014, Meludia appeals across the board and seems set for a bright future. No wonder the Mairie de Paris and the Centquatre are partners with this 27,000 user strong platform.

Dear Qobuz subscribers, you can now benefit from a special offer on Meludia ! Try the premium version of the site for 15 days and get a 20% discount from the 21st of June until the 21st of July by using the code QOBUZ.

See you on Meludia !

1. Sign up on Meludia

2. Use the QOBUZ code in the "discount code" box when paying

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