Each week, Qobuz helps our users with difficulties they come accross on Qobuz, which can also be of use to others…


I bought cosi fan tutte in studio master quality, but I can’t download it onto the Qobuz Downloader. I don’t want to compress it and end up with a .zip file- I want the best recording possible. What should I do?

NB to download the CD I used the correct audio copy, but I don’t know which media player to use in my setup. It is my first download with Qobuz, and I hope to download many more in the future if the quality is good, as I have very good HIFI equipment (accuphase amplifier etc…)}

Our response:


Zip compression is a compression without a loss, which simply reduces the size of any file (text, image or audio). It enables you to transfer the file quickly via the internet, and it takes up less space on a storage device.

This compression is not at all related to lossless audio compressions such as FLAC or ALAC.

To decompress a ‘zipped’ file, you have to use a software such as WinZip, 7Zip or any other compatible software. The decompressed file, whatever the type, is then changed back into the original file before compression (if this wasn’t the case, there would be a big problem with software instillation files…).

As the downloadable zipped audio files cannot be used in the Qobuz Downloader, they should be decompressed like any other zipped file. You should not play these files via a software player, as these only decompress files with a loss, except for FLAC and ALAC audio files…

The recovered files after .zip decompression are lossless WAV files.

Kind regards.