The young retro duo from New York publish an EP before their second album...

While we’re waiting for a proper second album, The Lemon Twigs are releasing this EP with six songs, Brothers Of Destruction, composed and recorded on their eight-track recorder in New York in 2015, shortly after recording their first album Do Hollywood, most of which has already been performed live.

The D’Addario brothers – Brian, 20 years old, and Michael, 18 years old – view Brothers Of Destruction as “the last chapter of their Do Hollywood era”. Both style and substance sail through familiar waters, at the crossroads of the Beach Boys (Why Didn't You Say That?, Night Song), the Kinks (So Fine) and the Beatles (Beautiful). Making something new out of something old is one thing. But it is quite another to consistently pull compositions of this calibre out the bag. The young D’Addarios undeniably impress with the maturity of their writing.

And when they're not making music, clearly The Lemon Twigs are listening to it. Or buying it! Like here, in London, where they have £25 to spend in Ra-Ra Rok Records:

The Lemon Twigs - Bands Buy Records Episode 09

Loud And Quiet

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