Qobuz Duo,
Hi-Res music for two

Get two accounts on one subscription

From $24.49 /Month*

* For a 12-month non-refundable subscription, with a single payment of $293.99. Monthly subscription available at $29.99/month.

Why choose Qobuz Duo?

  • 1

    1 subscription, 2 accounts

    On all Qobuz applications, even offline, for two people.

  • 2

    The highest sound quality

    Share the best listening experience in Hi-Res quality.

  • 3

    Unique and eclectic content

    Jazz, rock, classical… Explore (over) 100 million tracks, thousands of playlists, interviews, reviews and recommendations.

Why choose Qobuz Duo?

1 2 3

How to subscribe?

*people living at the same address

Try for free

Our partners

Listen in Hi-Res on all our applications as well as on your Hi-Fi system thanks to the integration of Qobuz by our biggest Hi-Fi partners.

Hi-Fi devices

Qobuz Family

More than 2 of you? Discover our Family plans and invite up to 6 people to share your Qobuz subscription.


What is Qobuz Duo?

Qobuz Duo plans allow you to benefit from two independent accounts with a single subscription (1 master account and 1 member account). The subscribed member is solely responsible for payments and can invite the other member, living at the same address, to join the account. Both accounts are personal and separate.

What is the extent of the available Hi-Res catalogue with a Qobuz subscription?

Qobuz offers over 100 million tracks in Hi-Res and CD quality with the richest Hi-Res catalogue available. This collection is constantly growing with the latest releases and reissues.

Is the trial really free and without obligation?

The trial period is free and without obligation. A valid payment method is required to access the free trial but you will not be charged before the end of the trial period. You can cancel your subscription at any time, even during the trial period.

Why choose Qobuz?

Qobuz offers a unique Hi-Res music experience. For us, sound quality, documentation quality and freedom of choice are non-negotiable.

The first respect we owe the music is to provide good listening quality, as close as possible to what was intended by the artist. All our subscribers enjoy lossless sound quality: FLAC 16-Bit/44.1 kHz, i.e. CD-like quality, as well as high-resolution 24-Bit up to 192 kHz. We offer different formats for download (FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, WMA, WAV) and all our applications are compatible with the highest sound quality.

Beyond sound quality, we know there are challenges that lie elsewhere. At Qobuz, we respect albums and their history. This is why we complement and enrich albums with tens of thousands of reviews, discographies and artist bios that tell the story of music past, present and future.

What also sets us apart are the recommendations from our team of music experts. Every week, our team of music lovers look into artists, encounters and trends before proposing a selection of artists to follow and albums, new and old, to discover and listen too.